
Tower Light Bulb Changer Jobs

Yes, we grant you, changing a bulb may seem very simple, but like everything related to electricity, some precautions are to be taken, and the various types of bulb will require different ways of doing it. We tell you everything! Precautions to take before changing a bulb If it is a pendant lamp or a wall lamp, cut the power before removing the bulb (do not worry, your household appliances will be able to withstand these few minutes without electricity). If it's a lamp, unplug it. In the case of an incandescent bulb, wait until it cools a bit if it has just burned out, to avoid burning yourself. In any case, use a cloth to handle your bulb, in order to avoid any deposit which could weaken the glass afterwards. If the bulb to be changed is high, do not climb on an unstable booster such as a wobbly chair or stool, and do not position yourself astride a piece of furniture for example. The best is a step or a small stepladder. Changing a screw bulb You're in luck, it